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© BigDog Interactive 2006 -
Retfaux: iPhonograph
In 2010, BigDog Interactive is embarking on an ambitious Steampunk initiative called "Retfaux". Retfaux is a term used to describe hi-technology devices that have a retro aesthetic. Retfaux is a derivative of Cyberpunk – a term first used by Bruce Bethke in his short story of the same name first published in 1983, which described a new generation of punk teenagers inspired by the Information Age. Retfaux is developed using a combination of leading edge technologies with recycled materials or discarded technology. This development results in artefacts which achieve "modern" functionality using materials and technologies from a past era. For example the iPhonograph is a hand-cranked MP3 player embedded in brass and wood (see image on left).

iPhonograph in The Guardian, Sat., March 13, 2010
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